Root Cause Analysis Workbook for Community/Ambulatory Pharmacy
The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Workbook for Community/Ambulatory Pharmacy©, provides community pharmacies with access to a coordinated, extensive set of tools designed to meet regulatory requirements in the full investigation of the causes of a sentinel event* (an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or risk thereof) and identify and implement appropriate and effective strategies to prevent this or a similar occurrence. The RCA workbook is designed to help community pharmacies take a process-driven, system-based approach to address this critical issue.
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How to Cite: Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). Root cause analysis workbook for community/ambulatory pharmacy [Workbook]. Horsham, PA: ISMP. 2014.
These tools were developed by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) with funding from National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Foundation.